Empowering Communities for a brighter future.
Change though Education, Organizing & Action
Massachusetts Action for Justice was founded by long time Massachusetts community organizer, Lew Finfer, to carry out a number of organizing projects, working with others. It's a name with big aspirations even though this organization is just one small part of what that needs to be.
Campaigns to increase state funding
We campaign at the state house and around Massachusetts for Reentry Programs for returning citizens, for Job Training programs for adults, and for Youth Programs.
Justice in the vocational schools admissions policy
Continuing to staff a campaign for Massachusetts Communities Action Network that I staffed when I worked there going back to 2017 for reforming the vocational school admissions policy which allows the schools to rank students applying by grades, attendance, discipline, and guidance counselor recommendations even though they are public schools. This has resulted in less students of color, less English Language Learners, less special needs students, and less low income students being admitted.
For Democracy and Basic Human Needs in Haiti
Working with Haitian organizations in Massachusetts Haitian and with the Faith in Action National Network on the huge challenge of restoring democracy to Haiti when our US Government's policy had contributed so much to the incredible suffering of the Haitian people.
Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of School Desegregation and Busing in Boston
Lew worked with Karilyn Crockett and a committee of 40 community leaders and teachers on an initiative called "The Boston Desegregation and Busing Initiative: What happened, Lesson learned, What next". This is upon the 50th anniversary of school desegregation and busing in Boston. Momentous events, deep divisions, and continuing impact of what happened then and is still happening today in the Boston Public Schools and Boston. We are organizing 5 forums, exhibits of pictures or documents, and partnerships with the Boston Public Schools, Boston Public Library, MA Historical Society, WGBH, et al.
Courses in Community Organizing
Lew will share some of the course syllabus for a course on Faith-Based community organizing. I'm teaching for the second time at Harvard Divinity School fall 2023 and teaching Community Organizing for the first time at UMass Boston fall 2023. We will also host Community Organizing Training materials developed over the years.
Studies & Papers
Papers written on a “Power Analysis of Massachusetts”, “Media Guide, “Affordable Housing in MA History 1960-2020”, “Tenant Organizing and Rent Control 1969-1994”, “Housing Funding and Organizing”. Papers on affordable housing policy and funding and the history of organizing on affordable housing and on rent control. These could be made available upon request.
“I will share some of the training materials I've developed and there's much more to share on this in my files for anyone interested. ”
— Lew Finfer

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(617) 470-2912