Campaigns to Improve State Funding
I. Youth Jobs
1. YouthWorks Youth Jobs 7002-0012 jobs for youth, from low wage earning families, in non-profits and local government
2. School to Career Connecting Activities Youth Jobs 7027-0019, jobs for youth in businesses and in hospitals
II. Youth Trauma Prevention/Youth Support and Violence Prevention Programs
1. Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) 4000-0005 Funds wrap around services for “proven risk” youth
2. Shannon Anti-Gang Violence Grant Program 8100-0111 funds youth intervention programs and police department gang unites
3. DPH Youth at Risk Grant Program 4590-1507
4. DPH Primary Violence Prevention Program 4590-1506
III. Job Training
1. Learn to Earn Job Training 7002-1080, supports while in job training programs
2. Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund 1595-1075, job training programs
3. Adult Basic Education 7035-0002 for ESOL and GED/HiSet,
4. Career Technical Initiatives 7002-1091 evening job training for adults
5. Increasing access to vocational technical high schools with waiting lists, “Career and Technical Education Program” 7035-0001
6. MassHire Career Centers 7003-0803 assistance to unemployed people
IV. Reentry Programs
1. Job Training for Formerly Incarcerated/Demonstration Workforce Program 7003-0150
2. Residential Reentry programs 0339-1011
3. Reentry Program for Young Adults 8000-0655
4. Probation Community Justice Centers 0339-1003 for services to those in reentry
5. Community Empowerment and Reinvestment Grant Fund 7002-2021
For support of reentry programs and prevention programs
6. Program for Rental Assistance for People in Reentry 7004-9034
V. Opioid Prevention and Intervention
Bureau of Substance Abuse Service (BSAS) 4512-0200 For the Massachusetts Access to Recovery (MA-ATR) program part of this line item. For meeting emergency of needs of those in treatment or recovery.2021
VI. Education and Chapter 70 Funding to city and town school budgets for and meeting the Student Opportunity Act commitments— 7061–0008
These funds especially go to Gateway Cities that have many lower income and students of color and lower property tax bases.
Organizing for Increasing State Budget Funding for Adult Job Training, Youth Jobs, Youth Prevention and Intervention Programs, and Reentry Programs
Each year for the last 15 years, we bring together various social service and community organizations to work for increased funding for 20 different line items, see below.
In 2025, we are working to get some of the FY 24 $1 billion in unspent Millionaires Tax Revenue to be allocated to Job Training, ESOL, Reentry Services and Youth Jobs. We also will make those proposal for millionaire’s tax in part go to these programs in the FY 26 Budget.
Some participating groups support one line item and some support several.
• Annual actions include meeting with the Executive Office of Administration and Finance (A&F) about what the Governor will file in the budget she files the third week in January.
• Then meeting with the Budget Director of House Ways and Means on the budget they will file in April.
• Then working on Budget Amendments for the House Budget.
• Then meeting with the Budget Director of Senate Ways and Means on the budget they will file in May.
• Then working on budget amendments for the Senate Budget.
• Then working on line items being negotiated in the House-Senate Conference Committee when they pass differing amounts.
NOTE: how you can help…If people want to be informed of what happens during the annual budget process and how they can help at specific times by contacting legislators, email LewFinfer@gmail.com